

IEC 60751 vs. DIN EN IEC 60751

What Is the Difference between the IEC 60751 Specification and the DIN EN IEC 60751 Specification?

The IEC 60751 and DIN EN IEC 60751 specifications are identical. The DIN specification is basically the IEC spec with a cover page added.


IEC 60751 vs. ASTM E1137

What Is the Difference between the IEC 60751 Specification and the ASTM E1137 Specification?

Both specifications apply to the standard 3850ppm temperature coefficient platinum curve and are based upon the ITS-90 temperature scale. One primary difference between the two specifications is the definition of tolerance classes, as follows:


IEC 60751 (2008)   ASTM E1137  
Tolerance Class
Tolerance Definition
 Tolerance Grade
Tolerance Definition
Class F 0.3 (B)
± (0.3 + 0.005 |t|) Grade B
± (0.25 + 0.0042 |t|)
Class F 0.15 (A) ± (0.15 + 0.002 |t|) Grade A
± (0.13 + 0.0017 |t|)

Where |t| is the absolute value of temperature in °C


'F' indicates thin film element.

DIN 43760

If We Need a Temperature Sensor Assembly with a Platinum RTD Element That Meets the Requirements of DIN 43760. Is This a Valid Specification for a Platinum RTD Sensor?

No. DIN 43760 Sept 68 applied to both 100 Ω nickel and platinum RTD elements. The next version of the specification, DIN 43760 Sept 87, applied only to nickel elements, and no longer applied to platinum elements. DIN EN IEC 60751 is the applicable DIN specification for platinum RTD elements.


JIS Curve Pt100

What Is the “JIS Curve Pt100”, and Can YAGEO Nexensos Supply an Element That Meets This Curve?

A Pt100 element with a temperature coefficient of 3916ppm was defined by the JIS C1604-1987 (and earlier) specification.

The JIS C1604-1997 version specifies a temperature coefficient of 3850ppm, matching the DIN EN IEC 60751 standard.