EC-Series - Polymer Encapsulated Pt Temperature Sensor (-50 °C to +200 °C)

EC-Series - Polymer Encapsulated Pt Temperature Sensor (-50 °C to +200 °C)

The EC-Series contains sensor assemblies with a robust polymer encapsulation of Pt-RTD M-types.

Encapsulated Precision Temperature Sensor EC3032

The Encapsulated Precision Temperature Sensor EC3032 combines the precision and reliability of the YAGEO Nexensos M-type RTD with robust encapsulation and insulated extension wire.

As a standard product with an operating range from -50 °C to 200 °C (short-term up to 250 °C) the sensor is ideal for applications in industrial automation, analytical equipment, e-motors, battery temperature monitoring and EV charging plugs. The EC3032 is a standard product. For automotive and e-mobility applications, YAGEO Nexensos may consider customer requests regarding whether or what additional documentation (e.g. PPAP, IDMS) may be provided.

Encapsulated Precision Temperature Sensor EC3032

Encapsulated Precision Temperature Sensor EC3032

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