Pt Sensors in General

Pt Sensors in General

Design and Function


What Is a Pt Sensor? How Is It Constructed and How Does a Pt Sensor Work?

Temperature Coefficient and Resistance


How Is the Temperature Coefficient of a Platinum RTD Element Defined?

The temperature coefficient, also referred to as the “alpha value”, is the average change in resistance between 0 and 100 °C, and calculated using the formula:

temperature coefficient formula

Where R100 is the resistance at 100 °C and R0 is the resistance at 0 °C.


What Is the Temperature Coefficient? How Can It Be Influenced and Determined?

Pt100 vs. Pt1000 vs. Pt10000


What Is the Difference between a Pt100, a Pt1000 and a Pt10000? When Do I Use Which Nominal Resistance?

Wire Connections


What Is the Difference between a Pt100, a Pt1000 and a Pt10000? When Do I Use Which Nominal Resistance?

Sensor Construction


Learn More about the Construction Types of Wired, SMD, SMD FC and SMD SC Sensors